• Tripod with no tranmitters

Rig Protector


Our Rig Protector is a mix of wired and wireless technologies. Unlike our WaveNet Wireless Monitoring System, gas detectors usually connect to RigProtector Site Controllers via quick connect cable sets.  ViewSmart 400 Four Channel Controllers are the typical Site Controller but larger projects may also use the Sixteen Channel ViewSmart 1600. Site Controllers typically receive 4-20mA signals from the gas detectors and then wirelessly transmit sensor and alarm data to remote central display and alarm stations. Many Site Controllers may be set up for perimeter monitoring and then transmit their data to another larger controller such as our ViewSmart 6400.

Contact R.C. Systems for more information about our Rig Protector System

Total Price: $0.00 (0/ea)
  • Rig Protector: Rig Protector
  • Enclosure: 90-13 Painted Steel (NEMA 4)
  • Serial Interface: 10-0355 2.4GHz Wireless Modbus RTU
  • Antenna: 1000-2309 Radome 12dBi Yagi
  • Power Supply: Solar Panel with 10-0334 30 Watt Solar Power Supply
  • Input: 10-0221//4 4-20mA Input
  • Output: None
  • Discrete Relay: 10-0222 Six Relay Option Board + 2 Standard Relays
  • Visual Alarm 1: 10-0285 Division 2 Amber Strobe Locally Mounted
  • Visual Alarm 2: 10-0284 Division 2 Red Strobe Locally Mounted
  • Audible Alarms: 10-0281 Division 2 Horn (mounted separately)
  • Push Button: None
  • Mounting: 10-0333 Tripod with 8 Foot by 1 1/2 inch Pipe and Mounting Hardware
  • Quick Connect Cable #1: None
  • Quick Connect Cable #2: None
  • Quick Connect Cable #3: None
  • Quick Connect Cable #4: None
  • Transmitter Quick Connects (Transmitter Sold Separately): None
  • 10-0382 Sunshield: Yes